The most important thing you will ever read on the internet!!

If you never read anything else on the internet - you must read this.

If I just make one person aware of this life changing information - that is enough.

When the doctor said my Mother may have ovarian cancer, I sat in the waiting room, awaiting the results of some test to come back and Google'ed it.  I'm 36, I've had 3 years in higher education, I work in IT delivering large scale expensive projects and sit in multiple meetings every day and yet I didn't know what ovarian cancer was.  Why is that?  Why do so little people know?  Is that why it's called the 'silent killer'?

  • Nearly half of GPs (44 per cent) mistakenly believe symptoms only present in the later stages of ovarian cancer 
  • Just one in five UK women (20 per cent) can name bloating as one of the main symptoms of ovarian cancer 
  • Almost half of women (45 per cent) must wait three months or more from first visiting their GP to getting a correct diagnosis 
  • Over a quarter of women with ovarian cancer (26 per cent) are diagnosed through an emergency presentation such as Accident and Emergency 

Come on Ladies!  Let's give ourselves a fighting chance and if even the GP's can't diagnose ovarian cancer, then we must recognise the symptoms and help each other or help the GP as we are the ones who know our bodies best.


The symptoms of ovarian cancer are common symptoms that happen with other conditions which is what makes it so difficult for GP's to identify.  Therefore, the key here is frequency.  If any of the symptoms below happen more than 12 times a month or continue for three weeks then see your GP immediately, raise your concerns and say that you want to be tested for ovarian cancer:

  • a long-lasting bloated feeling in your tummy (having a swollen tummy)
  • feeling full quickly and/or loss of appetite
  • pain or discomfort in the lower tummy area and/or back
  • needing to pass urine more often or more urgently (feeling like you can’t hold on).
  • Women over 50 who develop symptoms similar to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) should also see their GP for ovarian cancer tests. IBS symptoms include bloating and changes in bowel habit. It is unusual for women over 50 to develop IBS for the first time.

All these symptoms can be caused by other conditions but it’s very important to get them checked by your GP.

Other possible symptoms of ovarian cancer may include:

  • changes in bowel habits (diarrhoea or constipation)
  • pain during sex
  • weight gain or weight loss
  • unexplained or extreme tiredness.



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